**HOA DUES**  AFTER:  JAN 1, 2023 NLT FEB 1, 2024





Dear Homeowners,

As we come to the end of another year and start to look forward to next, it is once again time to pay our Homeowners Association Dues.   During our last Homeowners Association meeting we discussed the recommendation to increase our annual dues to $200 to meet the rising cost of expenditures of the Green Acres Homeowners Association.  The board has reviewed your input and has voted to increase the dues to $200 annually.  Given the current balance of the association’s bank account we ask that the dues be paid NLT 1 February 2024 to ensure we meet our commitments. 

Payments may be made by personal check, cashier’s check, or money order and mailed to:
P.O. Box 174
Ellerslie, GA 31807 

For those homeowners who have chosen to make their payments via Zelle in the past our banking information has changed.  Please use The Green Acres Homeowners Association email address,, to send payment via Zelle. 

The board would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and we look forward to your continued support in the future.  If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions for the GAHOA Board of Directors, please email us at

Thank You ,
GAHOA Board of Directors






Why pay dues????? Sometimes folks wonder why we have the dues and why we try to encourage they are paid as soon as possible. The Main Reason is so we have lights in our neighborhood. Also so we can replace old signs i.e. Stop signs or street signs, repair rightaways, and unfortunately to cover legal fees when dealing with those that don’t cooperate. Remember the goal is to have a neighborhood we can all enjoy. Hopefully we can start this New Year with more participation from neighbors if you wish to participate or want to be on the board please contact us. Lets have a Great Year!!! GAHOA Board


We are currently trying to update our mailing lists both Postal and email this way we can reach out to everyone with updates and important information. You can send us this information via


We also have two sites online:
1. GAHOA Website:

2. Facebook:
These two sites will provide you access to the Covenants and any other information in
reference to the Green Acres Home Owners Association.

A reminder when making changes to your house or property, please contact us, there ae guidelines in the covenants that must be followed. If you need a copy, email us, or call we also have them available on Facebook and the GAHOA website We have had some new folks move into the neighborhood and would like to Welcome everyone please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 




PO Box  174

    ELLERSLIE, GA 31807







Mark Smith


Jeff Waters

Vice President

Todd Ferring    Sec/Treasurer

Eric Kennedy Member at Large

Linda Sisson               Member at Large

 Gentry Sprout               Member at Large


VISION  MISSION  GUIDING PRINCIPLES                                    STATEMENTS



                     Vision Statement

We envision a community of neighbors working together to achieve a higher quality of life and increasing property values. We envision a neighborhood that is considered by residents and non-residents alike to be a desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends and community.



                    Mission Statement 

Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods through management of common areas, enforcement of rules and covenants, support of initiatives that strengthen bonds among residents, and support of capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.



Guiding Principles Statement 

In all our activities to achieve our Vision and Mission we value Integrity, Fairness, Consistent Firmness and Common Sense, Community Participation, Respect, Cooperation and Sense of Community.



                             Board of Directors Objectives

A) Encourage collaborative and diverse participation that includes an involved membership.

B)  Establish and maintain appropriate and effective forums to actively listen to the concerns of the community.

C)  Satisfy, maintain and enhance community, support requirements relating to property values, legal and safety issues.

D)  Build community relationships that capitalize on Best Practices and improvement opportunities.

E)  Seek continuous improvements in effective and efficient management of the Association.

F)  Establish and maintain a strong Financial Foundation for all operations of the Association.

G)  Be forever mindful of and preserve the Association’s Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles.

H)  Serve in the Best Interests of the Association.


                    Members Objectives

A)  Good Neighbors First:

There is no better substitute for resolving Community issues as neighbors.

B)  Volunteerism:

     We highly value participation in the Association that extends beyond the normal commitment (s) of being a member/resident.


C)  Property Maintenance:

    Property owners/residents will maintain their respective property in accordance with our covenants, conditions and restrictions that enhances the Association and Does Not detract from the Value of our properties or common areas.

D)  Common Good:

     We will evaluate all issues on their merit to the Association, Our Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles, and not with regard to any particular interest group.